Saturday, December 01, 2007

For the Bible Tells Me So

So I recently saw the new award winning film, 'For the Bible Tells Me So' and I was really really happy with the way the film was presented. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and was pleased that someone else out there finally put these thoughts onto film.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to defend my Christianity and my liberalism and support for gay rights. Supposedly those three things don't make sense together. So that's why it was so great to see someone finally put this big national discussion on film.

'For the Bible' talks to five conservative christian families who have gay/lesbian children and how they've tried to deal with it, since the Bible tells them this is wrong, and a choice, etc.

The film also talks with some religious leaders and religious educators about how we can't read the Bible literally right now, in our current time frame. They discuss the passages that were written thousands of years ago and discuss how they were written in a completely different context and under a different set of laws.

For example, one main point of the film they discussed was abomination. In the Bible it says if a man lies with another man... so on.. it's an abomination. Well turns out under Leviticus text and definition, abomination back then didn't mean the worst possible thing ever, it meant against ritual. So what they were saying, was just that a man lying with another man was against their ritual. Not that you should be ashamed and put to death and blah blah.

One of the families, a conservative Lutheran family, after some research, accepted their son's homosexuality and now fight against conservative Christians for gay rights in the church.

Another family, accepted their daughter right away, saying they kind of knew, and the father, a politician, welcomed and had his daughter work with him on his presidential campaign.

Another family, still does not support their daughters choices, but the mother does now accept her daughter's 'friendship' but doesn't want to think of her sex life or consider them spouses.

The saddest of the families was a mother who initially did not like her daughter's choice and wrote her daughter a letter saying she would never support her decision, but still loved her. The daughter committed suicide. Now the mom has done research and spoken to different churches and people and now supports gay rights and fights for them now too, using her discrimination as an example for people to move forward with.

Overall the film speaks volumes. It points out that Jesus loved all outcasts, no matter if they were diseased, prostitutes, etc. So why do so called 'Christians' continue to outcast their own. If they were true Christians they would accept everyone with a whole heart. And not use their campaign to bring in millions and millions of dollars for themselves. If they were real Christians, they would send that money to countries who really need it, not use it to buy themselves mansions.

Well those are my two cents. I encourage everyone to get out and see 'For the Bible Tells Me So'. The website is The name of the film with .org after it.

Until next time...

Monday, November 05, 2007

some top favorites anyway

I decided I couldn't go to bed without giving some top favorites for right now! I've joined netflix and get HBO for free... so I've been playing a lot of catch up lately.

-into the wild - MUST SEE.
-american gangster - liked it, but first half was not as good as second half.
-rushmore - hadn't seen it. liked it a lot! Have yet to see darjeeling.
-Volver - great!
-the umbrellas of cherbourg - also great foreign flick!

things I'm excited for - so check 'em out!
- atonement
- august rush
- enchanted
- walk hard
- fred claus
- sweeney todd

-HELP! is coming out on DVD!!! Yes yes yes yes yes.

also, hairspray is a top on my christmas list as well.

i'm so very sorry

SO I AM SO HORRIBLY SORRY for not posting in foreverrrrr. London was a blast, but movies were so expensive I only got to about three of them. Then april 16th happened, and since I go to Virginia Tech, it just put my life on pause. Over the summer, I got to see a bunch, but only in certain spurts... so to make the most of it, my friend Adrien and I would see four films a day to get the most out of our time away from camp. Boy oh boy was that hard (sitting through four movies in a row practically) and awesome at the same time.
So I really have to get on the ball about trying to update at least once a week... and would update now, but it's late and I must get ready for bed instead.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

You'll have to excuse me for not updating this page in a longgg time. I'm in London now for the semester, and I promise I will update soon! I didn't see as many movies over break that I would have liked to, but Blood Diamond just came out over here, so I'm hoping to go sometime soon!

But for now, I'll let you know about the EPIC movie called "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" startting Sarah Jessica Parker and Helen Hunt, circa 1985. First of all, I got this classic movie for just one pound at Woolworth's and am proud to say that it was totally worth the converstion rate to equal a total cost of 1.90 US dollars.

The movie starts out with an embarresed and nervous SJP in a catholic school girl uniform, where a nun is making her tell the class a little bit about herself. She's an army brat and loves music, but mostly she loves to dance, and wants to be on Dance TV! Luckily, Chicago is the place where they tape this fine dance TV progam, and she and Helen Hunt become fast friends.

They soon learn there's a dance contest and who ever wins, gets to become regulars on the show! like, OMG, they have to try out! SO they try out, Hunt's partner knocks her over, therefore eliminating the pair, but SJP and her partner dance like champs, and she moves on to the finals, only to get paired with one of the hottest guys in the competition. (note: the actor has done nothing with his acting career after 1988, only making a few more movies after this one...)

SO they practice, and make out, and SJPs dad is an ex colonel who's strict, and she has an annoying younger brother, and you're probably saying why is this movie any good?! Well it's one of the better 80s movies I've seen (minus anything with John Cusack in it), and maybe it's so classically bad, that it's actually GOOD. It doesn't have that typical 80s movie "stupid best friend" character in it that annoys the hell out of you, you actually feel bad for Helen hunt not making it!

SO over all, i recommend that you most definitely see this movie, bad 80s dancers and all. You'll have a good laugh, and you can play the game of predicting what will come next! Totally AWESOME!