So I just happened to stumble upon "Ella Enchanted" on TV this evening... and it's one of those movies I kinda really enjoy.. Go ahead and laugh, but it's actually pretty good! [plus I loved the book growing up!] Anne Hathaway is enjoyable as always, and one of my favorite Brits, Hugh Dancy is also quite the charmer in this one... and then WHAT DO YOU KNOW... I go onto IMDB to look up something and they have a new Anne Hathaway preview on the main page... also starring Jake Gyllenhaal... called "Love & other drugs."
Watch here:
Love & Other Drugs
Now I like both of these actors... (marry me, jake!?) but I have one gripe! Supposedly Judy Greer is tagged in the preview aka is going to be in this movie... but I did not see her once in the preview! DUDE, WHERE are you hiding Judy Greer?!? Now, if you know me, then you know I've written about Judy before (yep, we're on a first name basis)... I think she's the character actor that's LONGGG overdue for her starring role. She continually proves herself in every film and is such a stellar character actor that she deserves to be the leading lady every now and again! We can see Oliver Platt in here... but where's Ms. Greer?! I'm guessing she's going to be Hathaway's BFF. PER USUAL.
So, what did you think of this preview!? Interesting twist with it being set around the viagra invention. Do you think Judy Greer needs her time in the sun too?! Do you think if I write to Jake, he'd marry me?! More importantly... would Judy be my friend if I wrote her a letter?!