Sunday, March 15, 2009

a very serious topic of conversation...


Today I will be discussing a VERY serious topic.

It's bigger than what they're talking about on the view. More important than whether or not Jenn aniston and john mayer broke up and certainly more serious than the stimulus package.

I'm talking about the lack of hair products for redheads. More specifically things like bobby pins and hair ties. There are ones for black hair, brown hair, and even blondes... but do you see any products for redheads lining the shelves of CVS?!?!.... NO.

And there lies the problem. We redheads are already a dying breed. And the lack of hair products is certainly not encouraging anyone to get out there and keep the redheaded gene alive.

I've been recently thinking about starting a business with my dear friend Adrien, and today whilst standing in the dimly lit CVS aisle, I realized that redheads do not have a selection of things for their hair. So I quickly texted her to tell her about my idea, and she guessed that they may have things for people like us at higher class salons, but even if they did, that's hard to find and not something the common redhead has time for. After all, we are a crazy bunch!

So if you all out there is blogosphere world have any ideas for how to get my company started or set out to convince companies like goodie to make redheaded products and give me a share of it... let me know!

Here I am trying to show you that it doesn't match my hair. But it's not very well lit where I am and therefore that is a bad example.

Otherwise, my life is crazier than ever. I'm off again traveling on business to the armpit of America... I mean... Atlantic City! So we'll see if I win any money... I will probably not.

peace, love and ice cream...


Suzanne said...

I have never thought about this before! Interesting...

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