Saturday, August 29, 2009

Post Grad

Last night I went to see "Post Grad" with a friend knowing that it was certainly not going to be something spectacular and I may even end up hating it because as another friend said on the phone when I told her I was going to see this movie - "I would probably hate that movie because it's been over a year since I've graduated and yes, i have a job but it's not my dream job and Alexis Bledel will probably struggle to find a job but in the end it'll all turn out perfect and she'll get the dream guy too. Well that hasn't happened in my life yet..." And I agreed.

But I was pleasantly surprised... (SPOILER ALERT) even though pretty much everything DOES work out for her in the end, including getting the perfect guy (but giving up her perfect job to move across the country to be with said guy) she finds happiness.

I liked this movie because Bledel as Ryden Malby pulls off the whole bright eyed recent grad optimistic look to a T. Her friend, Zach Gilford from "Friday Night Lights" plays a good boy next door. CAROL BURNETT is her SPUNKY GRANDMA ( I LOVE Carol Burnett) and the rest of the Malby family Michael Keaton, Jane Lynch (who seems to be in everything lately) and Bobby Coleman (from " Martian Child") all made me smile with their wackiness.

What was lacking in this movie was more screen time for best friend Gilford and crazy grandma Burnett. I just need more of Carol Burnett in my every day life... DOESN'T EVERYBODY?!?!

The movie is simple and enjoyable. It also has a cute soundtrack. You feel connected to the family in their crazy adventures. You relate to the way Ryden feels hopeful and trapped all at the same time. You feel bad for their sexy Brazilian neighbor's cat when Michael Keaton runs it over. And you're nervous when little brother Malby's breaks break in his box car derby race and he sails into the lake only to find out the water is shallow enough for him to stand in.

As a kind of recent grad myself, I could especially relate to living at home, trying to figure out a job quickly enough so you can move out of said home... all while trying to figure out what really makes you happy in life.

I'd recommend this movie. And as Roger Ebert puts it "But here is the first movie in a long time that had me actually admitting I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel." And I agree with him!

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