I'd like to apologize for my long absence from this blog. I was at camp calumet lutheran for boys and girls all summer working two jobs, so when I did get a second off, I was probably sleeping.
Anyway, I'd like to address the issue of the 08 election. This election has turned into a dirty, dirty game my friends. I cannot believe that the republicans have whipped out their secret evil fighting machine, Sarah Palin. The woman that you have never heard of, the pro-life, pro-gun, banning books, crazy christian governor from Alaska.
Where did she come from? I know that my being at camp has kept me in a nice New Hampshire bubble, but she's been a governor for less than two years and you want me to trust her to run the country because John McCain is so old and will probably have a heart attack at the first big problem he has to deal with? I don't think so...
Another issue I have with the republicans is that they think because she is a woman, all women across the US will run towards her and vote for her in a heartbeat. It's like getting a slap in the face when people assume that. It's degrading towards women and they might as well say that we would vote for Oprah because she's run a tv show for so many years... so therefore she's qualified. (Shoot, probably a lot of women in this country would vote for Oprah.. but let's face it. She'd be better than Sarah Palin. She likes to READ!)
I don't think running a small town in Alaska and then governing one of the least populated states in the US qualifies her for the VP seat. Oh but then again, we can't forget about her being a mother. As Sherry on The View put it, 'if you can raise 5 kids then you can run the country..." or something like that. Well once again, I have to disagree. My grandmother raised 5 kids and that does not mean I would trust the country in her hands, no thank you. Being a mother is hard, and rewarding and whatever else... I wouldn't know yet, but it does not mean that you can run a country just because you've raised 5 kids.
She hasn't even made it past the teenage stage yet and she's already let one get pregnant. Whoops.
Another issue that was brought to my attention today was the fact that she tried to ban books before she was mayor and then while she was mayor. When the Library Director refused and rallied against those bans, she fired the Library Director the first minute she could when she became Mayor. Banning books is like... taking away my rights to watch certain TV... I promise I'll think of better analogies for this post later... But because I was raised by two librarians, I am whole heart-idly involved with keeping reading open to everyone and letting people choose what they want to read. Like my stance on abortion. I don't want some big wig telling me what I can and cannot do with my body. I want to read whatever the hell I want.
I bet Sarah Palin doesn't know the Bible is a banned book. Let's discuss her crazy christian antics. If she were to try and impose some of her crazy ideas onto the state and school systems then I feel bad for the Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Pagan, Hindus, etc. we could go on for days listing people who live in this country and don't want their kids learning Creationism and other things about Jesus.
This is a FREE country. FREE that spells free.
Well I should get off my soap box now. I know I'm not the person who knows everything about this election, but I care enough to write about it and hope that others will make the right decision.
Plus, Obama and Michelle are just so damn cute. Who wouldn't want a First Lady who knows when embellished neck lines are in?!
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