Wednesday, October 22, 2008

something's been bugging me.

Something's been bugging me. Or really, MANY things. let's just see how many i can actually remember right now.

ONE. when a CD skips. i know, this is not important in the grand scheme of things... but when I was to just drive to work, and i'm sick of the radio and i don't really have to drive so far as to plug in my iPod, i rely on some of my mixes. Today I popped in my Now 7 cd. I know, this one is a CLASSIC. so you can imagine, much to my dismay, the CD starts skipping on one of my fave tracks of the CD, Mandy Moore's "In my pocket." The same thing (the horrible disappointment and sadness you feel) when a DVD skips. It crushes your soul. You were groovin' and enjoyin' and BAM. Sometimes the skip lasts a second and sometimes it last the whole dame song, or a whole scene of a movie. It's just ruins everything. And I'm someone who prides myself on the care I use on my discs. But in some cases, my DVDs were scratched by others. Some CDs were scratched when I was dumb and put their info jacket insert, whatever you want to call them, behind the actual CD. I have since learned better and out the CDs behind the insert, this is of course in my travel CD case incase you were confused about my use of jewel boxes.

TWO. sarah palin. and the american people who support her. All these people that are just so CLUELESS about her lack of understanding about her own potential job, the world, our country, the list could go on. Obama doesn't walk around saying parts of the country are more pro-America. He doesn't wink when he's trying to make a point but can't seem to finish his sentence. She'll go on SNL, but not Meet the Press, the View, she won't even go on The O'Reilly Factor for goodness sake. I don't understand, or really, I DO understand. Her OWN campaign is scared to put her on these things knowing that if she's not rehearsed enough or memorized enough, God only knows what will come out of her mouth. But I want to just shed a tear right now... because I feel BAD almost that it's come down to this. Letting her only speak to crowds where she's prepared something... she can't even answer a third grader correctly when asked what a VP does/what she'll do as VP.

And because I'm a woman, of COURSE i would have liked to like her. But because she came out of no where with nothing but a dead bear on her couch to show for, i can't support her. (Check those photos out for real, they are from her anchorage office, i saw them on aol.)

THREE. When people criticize Ellen for speaking about her opinions on the potential ban on gay marriage in California. Just let the woman speak about the things she cares about. For other celebs, that may be cats or Darfur. For Ellen, it's something that hits close to home. And i agree with her, what are people so scared of? I'd love to know. Who cares if a couple in love of the same sex wants to get married. Should we really stand in the way of their happiness? I should think not. You KNOWWW half the people who are complaining would be PISSED if the government was threatening to take away the rights and privileges of their own marriage.

FOUR. That people still believe that Obama is muslim (but really, why would it matter?), or that he had that first meeting in Ayer's basement. AHHHH people, please use PUT ON THOSE THINKING CAPS! USE YOUR RESOURCES!

FIVE. when the book you want is already checked out. But these are things that cannot be helped. We should all be so grateful that others are reading.

Let's discuss what makes me happy and end on a high note.

ONE. Obama making an appearance via satellite today on the Ellen show and tried to prove that he's a better dancer than Michelle. I love you Obama, but she's got you beat.

TWO. When the kids I've been helping in swimming classes finally get what I've been trying to teach them. When it CLICKS!

THREE. When people show up to work and actually do their jobs. Ahhh, I can smell the accomplishment.

FOUR. Reading a great book, even if it meant having to wait for it because someone else got to enjoy it too. Have you visited your local library lately?

FIVE. Laughing out loud. Whether at a TV show, with your Dad, talking to friends, or at your cat who is banging into things because you had to put on a cone around her neck to keep from scratching her head (but really that makes you sad on the inside too.)

So my people, I leave you with this. Use your brains. Check your facts. Read a book. Laugh out loud. and most importantly, Use good judgement.

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