Sunday, February 28, 2010

oscars, one week and counting

this will be a short post. I'll write more before the oscars, but it is late and I must go to bed!

Saw An Education on the flight back from Poland yesterday... I know, it's a complete crap way to watch a film... but I wanted to see it since I didn't know if the theaters would still be showing it when I got back.

Carey Mulligan certainly deserves her small buzz. She was really fantastic. The whole storyline is slightly creepy, but I've seen worse... and certainly the most disturbing Oscar goes to Precious this year. Peter Sarsgaard is a good 30 something creepster who befriends the 16 yr old Mulligan. I also always love seeing Alfred Molina in films. We needed more of his over-bearing totally morally skewed father on screen!

Otherwise, I leave you all with this feature from Esquire on Roger Ebert. Truly an inspirational story. I've looked up to Ebert since before I can remember. His Sunday show with Siskel was a staple in our home. I will truly, honestly miss reading his reviews every Friday when he eventually leaves us. He's funnier than ever, writing almost as much and remains to be a constant in the film community. While you might not all agree with him (I don't always either) he's been an amazing figure in the critic world. This article left me in tears... but you know me, I'm an emotional sap anyway.

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