Wednesday, February 10, 2010

oscars update

Oscar update!
I added The Hurt Locker, Inglorious Basterds, A serious Man and District 9 to the top of my queue, so hopefully I'll get those five finished before March 7th! I'm on a time crunch since I'll be gone on business in Poland from the 18th til the 27th. But even if I just did the 5 days when I get back - one per day, I'd make it. And even have 2 extra days!

Still have to find time to see An Education especially since Carey Mulligan is nominated for Best Actress... and I like to see all the actors in each category too. I'll have to see if The Last Station is playing anywhere around here, because if I've seen that one, then I've seen all the best actress noms! Once I've seen The Hurt Locker, I'll only have to see Colin Firth in A Single Man and I'll have seen all the best actor noms.
Surprisingly, I've already seen all the Best Supporting Actress noms... Mo'Nique is definitely a favorite for both me and the academy because of her globe win. But Vera was Awesome! in Up in the Air and Maggie Gyllenhaal's nom for Crazy Heart is well deserved too.

I'm not doing so well for Best Supporting Actor noms... have only seen Invictus! 1 out of 5! Ah! But again... if I get to Basterds and The Last Station then I'll be 3 out of 5. Still haven't decided on The Lovely Bones... got such mixed reviews, so it's not high on my list. Though Stanley Tucci certainly looks creepy in the previews! Good for him, he's one of my celebrity favorites.

This weekend will be seeing Valentine's Day and maybe I'll get to An Education since it's a long weekend! YESSSSS.

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