Sunday, February 22, 2009


Tonight is the NIGHHTTTTT.




I love love love oscar season/night.

Here are my predictions, since I obviously have to get back to watching the red carpet!

I'll do the top 6 for you!

BEST supporting Actor Noms:
Heath Ledger - Dark Knight
Josh Brolin - Milk
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Doubt
MIchael Shannon - Revolutionary Road
Robert Downey Jr - Tropic Thunder

I PREDICT that Heath Ledger will get it.... but here's what I think. Though Ledger did a GREAT performance, I think Downey Jr gave a GREAT performance ALSO. Ledger will get it because, well you know... but I think it would be awesome for RDJ to get it.

BEST Supporting Actress Noms:
Amy Adams - Doubt
Penelope Cruz - Vicky Christina Barcelona
Viola Davis - Doubt
Taraji P. Henson - Ben Button
Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler

I predict... this is a hard one... that well... I'll tell you who I WANT to win - Tarji P. Henson because she had to act to an animatronic doll sometimes and she made us care about that little fake person! But I'm thinking Penelope will win. MAYBE.

Kate Winslet - The Reader
Anne Hathaway - Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie - Changeling
Melissa Leo -Frozen River
Meryl Streep - Doubt

I predict Kate will get this one, but I think Anne did a great job with Rachel Getting Married... Yes, I am on a first name basis with these lovely ladies.

Richard Jenkins - The Visitor
Frank Langella - Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn - Milk
Brad pitt - Ben Button
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler

I predict... WELL THIS IS A TOUGH one - that GOD i don't know... I'm going to do two ballots... one with penn, one with rourke. Rourke could get it, but the academy could have said, welll he was a boxer, he hit rock bottom, this is his life - not so much of a stretch. But some people though Penn sounded like his I am Sam character sometimes during Milk... so WHO KNOWS!

Best Director noms:
Danny Boyle - Slumdog
Stephen Daldry - The Reader
David Fincher - Ben Button
Ron Howard - Frost/Nixon
Gus Van Sant - Milk

I think Ron HOward did a wonderful job! But I think Danny Boyle will get it for Slumdog.

Best Picture Noms:
Ben Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire

SLUMDOG. I enjoyed ALL of these films though, I must say! I've seen all of them and I really did think bits were great from each and every film is so different!

I've gotten to see ALMOST every one of these films that was nominated for these big ones... the only ones I've missed are VIcky Christina Barcelona, Frozen River and The Visitor. That's not so shabby!

Well I hope you all enjoy this evening... it's too bad Miley Cryus gets an ABC red carpet interview and others don't...

I'm also sad they're doing a Best Song medley this year instead of each song getting it's own time to showcase the song... Hence why Peter Gabriel won't be singing for Wall-E.

As for Hugh Jackman hosting, he's nice eye candy, but I hope he's funny as well!


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