Sunday, February 15, 2009

yea, let's CALL THAT BITCH UP!

Today I went to see "The Reader" and boy, Kate Winslet reallllyyy knows how to pick her happy-go-lucky scripts. I'm feeling so uplifted about life since I've seen this and Rev. Road. BOY OH BOY! let's all run out and get some ICE CREAM with M&M's on top. EXTRA m&ms for this time 'round.

I am going to just put this out there. I liked Kate better in "The Reader" than I did in "Rev. Road." (We're going to call Rev Road, RR from now on). RR had something missing. Adrien agrees. I said "I don't know what was missing exactly.... but maybe it was that lack of Celine Dion" SO there it is. CELINE DION must be involved in some sort of way whenever kate and leo make a movie together. I love me some kate and leo, so if Celine is what makes that extra magic, then bring on my favorite French-Canadian!

Also it was slightly awkward knowing my dad and gerri (his GF) were sitting right behind me (the theater was crowded, we had to sit apart) when there was penis and kate's boobs being shown. But such is life, and if I've seen Harry's Potter with my father in real life than I guess I can handle seeing one on the big screen with him, too.

So why the title of this blog post? I was sitting here chatting with Gerri and she told me Nikki's wedding pics were up. (Nikki is her daughter, my "common law step sister: if you will... or something like that) She then proceeded to tell me that she was a little upset that there were no good pictures of her and my father dancing or sitting together, but lots of the ex and his new wife. Sore subject. ANd none of me... how could that photographer... ahhaha. So my dad said, well we'll have to call her up and stage the wedding and do it over again. After looking at more pictures I turned around and yelled "YEA! Let's CALL THAT BITCH UP!"

I think Chelsea Handler is starting to rub off on me. I've started delivering jokes like her... but maybe I always have and just notice it more now... or she brought out more of the tongue in cheek, sarcastic side of me. You all should really listen to her book on CD for "Are you there vodka? It's me Chelsea". Hearing her read it is way more fun than reading it. Very entertaining. On Tuesday, I am going to start another book I got today. "I Am America (And so can you!)" by Stephen Colbert. I am also looking forward to the start of that one, but am slightly worried since this includes some pictures that I obviously wont' be able to see with the book on cd version.

WEll, I'm going to go drink wine and watch some television and then read some chick lit later. Sounds pretty perfect to me! Going to the see "The Wrestler" tomorrow. The last big film I have to REALLY see before the Oscars on SUNDAY! I can't believe they're only a week away already! Get ready for your favorite GOLD MAN!

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