Friday, February 13, 2009


Tomorrow I am going to see "Confessions of Shopaholic." I'm not expecting great things since I have read the book and also the second one (they combined the first two for the movie) and can already tell from the previews they have changed A TON of things.

1. She's british in the book. not in the previews.
2. She already works at a financial times newspaper type deal and doesn't have to just get the job, she actually knows a bit about finance, just can't keep track of her own stuff..
3. It takes place in London. This is very upsetting to me, as I always enjoy seeing a movie that's filmed in London so I can reminisce and be jealous of everyone who lives there.
4. She moves to New York in the second book, only after getting a personal shopping position at Barney's.

WHYYy do they change these important things? I don't get it Hollywood. I'd like to be a screenplay adapter. I should get on my first piece that inspired me a few years back, "Tangerine." It's a young adult book and it's SOOO GOOD. Don't judge it based on the fact that it's a YA book. It's awesome. You read it, and tell me that you agree that it could be an awesome movie.

I'll let you know how Shopaholic goes. Let's be serious here, I'm going just because Hugh Dancy is in it. Another favorite Brit of mine, but sadly he is taken by Claire Danes.


p.s. I finished "Are you There Vodka, It's me Chelsea." and I did love it. I'm working on finishing "my horizontal life" which I have on paperback. I also started reading "Dewey" that book about the cat who lived in a library. I'm thinking it wasn't such a good idea to start this as I can tell he will die in the end and I will be a human water fountain. : /

1 comment:

Berlination said...

I really enjoy Tangerine. Make it a movie!